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Busy day...perfect moments

6am alarms on Saturdays so I can shower and go to the grocery store...alone. And get free Starbucks coffee. 

I wasn't sure how I would feel about trying the coconut milk mocha macchiato, but it was actually pretty tasty. And things always taste better when they are FREE right?! 😄

Got home in time to unload groceries and feed the girls then headed off to Spring for my first archery lesson! 

The instructor Kay was awesome and I am totally hooked!  Now I just need to do some more work so I can invest in some equipment of my own and get to more practicing. How I felt about my first archery 🏹🎯 lesson:

Home just in time for baby 👶 to wake up from her nap and we headed off to help my husband clean up set up furniture for his counseling office. Then kirklands to buy some nice art work to brighten up the rooms. 

Home just in time for baths and bedtime. And to watch a little TV. Busy day, perfect moments. I wouldn't change a thing. Thankful to God for the amazing blessings. 

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